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CJ***-W-130/2×10.5  SFW4500-10/2150   H:380m

Pelton turbine suit to water head 100 to 1000 meters and with certain small flow. It could vertical and horizontal arrangement, nozzle numbers from one to six. Pelton turbine with feature of wide flow high efficiency region. It could start turbine with 10% of rated flow. Pelton turbine with one or two nozzles usually adopt horizontal arrangement, but multiple nozzle Pelton turbine adopts vertical arrangement. Pelton turbine units are wildly used in mountain area all over the world, and well known by its simple structure, less investment, high efficiency, and reliable long service life.


地      址:   中国 四川 德阳市 旌阳区天山南路三段83号     联 系  人:张志中 先生 (总经理)
电      话:   86 0838 2443007   移动电话:  137 0091 8663   传      真:    86 0838 2443007
2014-2017   德阳东森水电设备有限公司 版权所有 | 创世网络
备  案  号:   蜀ICP备14020077号-1
